CHEM 2261 Chapter : Chap08

11 views23 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

The reaction chemistry of halogens (mostly chlorine, bromine, and iodine) bonded to carbon is governed mostly by the ready willingness of halogens to escape from carbon and tolerate a negative charge. Halogens are often referred to as "leaving groups" because their high electronegativity allows them to leave carbon behind them. They carry a negative charge easily and can escape when a nucleophilic (lewis base) species is available to substitute for them. The "king of the moon" character played by. I need to find a more reliable nucleo- phile to bond to! Free of that filthy old body at last!! I can see in all directions at once! I"m the all-seeing "eye in the sky! " If there"s a pyramid on your dollar bill baby, that"s where you"ll find me!! "i"m stuck to this filthy old alkene for ever and ever!! I"ll never get away even if somebody bumps into the carbon.