CHEM 2060 Chapter : Chem2261Syllabus

13 views3 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Professor: dr. william crowe; office 708 choppin hall (chem. Lecture: all lectures will be given in 103 williams hall; Text: "organic chemistry", 11th ed. , solomons, fryhle, and snyder. [supplementary notes and handouts will be made available via moodle and/or email] Grade standards: this grading scale is also used to calculate your final grade. Exams will be given tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. You will only have 105 minutes to take the exams. The rest of the time is for passing out the exams, reading the instructions, and picking up the exams. Please show up for exams before 6:00 pm. The use of and/or even access to any electronic devices, such as cell phones, tablets, lap tops, etc. during exams is forbidden. Any of these devices seen out during the event will result in immediate confiscation and possible referral to the dean of students for cheating. Online homework assignments will be given once or twice per textbook chapter.