CHEM 1202 Chapter : Latin America

18 views8 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Spanish & portuguese- latin derivatives, romance language. Spanish & america: amerigo vespucci- claimed america was not asia. Spanish america : remnant of spanish legacy (since mid-20th century) Ibero-america : remnant of portuguese legacy (since mid-20th century) Central america: countries from guatemala and belize south to colombia (doesn"t. South america: countries from panama south to tierra del fuego. Other ways to split the region include mexico) Middle america: central america, mexico, & caribbean. Caribbean: island nations and countries in the caribbean sea, belize, guyana, Air pollution (smog) & water resources (renews too slowly) 70% of water resources are aquifers: underground resources. Sinking land: due to the water being taken out of the aquifers (example: national cathedral- actually tilting now, so they use pendulum) 5,000 miles from nw venezuela to tierra del fuego. Fairly new & part of the ring of fire (has earthquakes) Altiplano: 2 highly elevated treeless plains (with lakes)