CHEM 1202 Chapter : CH1202 Course Information Sheet 1

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

You can a l s o make an appointment for times outside the above office hours. Class time: mwf 1:30 2:20 p. m. 103 williams. The study of chemical theories emphasizing solution chemistry, utilizing problem solving and quantitative approaches. Course objective: general education course in the natural sciences area, physical science subdivision. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the basic theories of chemistry and its underlying principles. Using this knowledge, students will demonstrate deductive and inductive reasoning to explore and explain scientific principles. Students are expected to comprehend how knowledge is acquired and applied. Course expectations: students are expected to spend 3 hours per week in the classroom and a minimum of. 6 hours per week outside of the class for a total of at least 9 hours/week. The outside of class time will include reading assigned chapters in the textbook, reviewing notes, doing homework, working on solving recommended problems, and mastering key concepts.