CHEM 1201 Chapter : Chapter4

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Lecture 18: an american dilemma: segregation & civil rights during wwii, April 3, 2014: gunnar myrdal, an american dilemma (1944, book about american history (jim crow ins south, conflict between prejudice against african americans and an. American creed: japanese and japanese americans were sent to internment camps compares with holocaust, had to fight for democracy overseas and at home. Lecture 19: ending wwii: the seeds of civil rights and the cold war, 1941- End jim crow practices in south: 4. Ending wwii: tehran conference (big three, 1943, image 66, 1. How to defeat nazis in europe: 2. Monetary fund: gold standard, world bank: 1. Help rebuild european countries damaged during war: imf: emergency fund of money (dollars) to prevent governments from devaluing currencies, capitalist countries advance significantly, no post war depression, capitalist countries=better than communism, dumbarton oaks conference (1944, 1. General assembly (main body); ever member of un sends delegate pass resolutions, speak on resolutions: 2.