BIOL 4141 Chapter : Paenungulata Mammology 2014

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Elephants: fossil record begins in eocene (~50 mya) of north. Columnar limbs and graviportal locomotion: expanded out of africa in late oligocene (~25 mya, reached north america in miocene. Numerous cross lophs on cheek teeth (loxodont) Replacement of cheek teeth by forward sliding. Figure 9-2: one family tree of probocideans from the eocene to the present. Adapted from shoshani, j. , natural history 106 (1997): 36-47. Dwarphism: island forms of elephants repeatedly evolved dwarphism, sulawesi, crete, malta, sicily, and channel islands of california all had dwarfs. Enamel only on tip of tusk (i2); rest is dentine, calcium. 15% total body mass, 2x that of normal terrestrial mammal. The biggest and most obvious organismsare mostly known and cataloged, so peet scholars aren"t out looking for a new kind of elephant. Family elephantidae: african savanna elephant (loxodonta africana, african forest elephant (l. cyclotis) Family elephantidae: indian elephant (elephas maximus) smaller ears and tusks.