MATH 10041 Chapter 7.3 & 7.4: MATH 10041-002 ch 7.3 CLT for sample proportions & 7.4 estimating the population proportion with confidence intervals

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Central limit theorem (clt)- used to estimate proportions on a population. Enables us to measure the quality of our estimation efforts. Large sample size n 1 p. If the conditions of a survey sample satisfy those required by the clt, then the probability that a sample proportion will fall within 2 standard errors of the population value is 95% To find a probability : find se = P (1: find z-score , 2ndvars- normalcdf:-(lower, upper, mean, se) 7. 4 estimating the population proportion with confidence intervals. Confidence interval- tells how often the estimation is successfull. Range of plausible values for population parameter. Margin of error- tells how far from the population value the estimate can be. Confidence level- measures the success of the method. Expresses the level of confidence in the interval. 10% confidence = method works 10% of the time. Confidence level changes with every random sample collected.