CHEM 1111 Chapter 2: Ch 2 -- Atoms and the Periodic Table

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11 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Atom: smallest quantity of matter that still retains the properties of matter, small building blocks of matter, made up of smaller subatomic particles. Nature, number, and arrangement of subatomic particles determine the properties of atoms, which in turn determine the properties of all things material. Element: substance that cannot be broken down into two or more simpler substances by any means, examples: gold, oxygen, and helium. John dalton: stated that atoms of which all matter consist are tiny indivisible particles. Radiation: emission and transmission of energy in the form of waves, research was conducted in the late 1800s. Coulomb"s law: like charges repel one another and opposite charges attract one another. J. j. thomson: english physicist, proposed that the rays are a stream of negatively charged particles, performed experiments in which he applied a variable electric field and measured the degree of deflection of cathode rays.