HSC 3243 Chapter 20: Chapter 20- Motor Control Frames

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5 Aug 2020

Document Summary

Motor control edames neurological health conditions . separated from other dimensions . (3) protective reflexes : child development in identifying ground up . approaches . " done to " the client without the client "s active participation . a typical sequence for infants to develop motor skills throughout the first year of life: basis on, narrowly focused on the reductionism. Use ndt in combination with other: normal growth and development . assume that all children with disabilities can achieve age - appropriate skills . Ittf (cid:8869) motor control (cid:8869) motor development cannot be (cid:8869) motor milestones helpful should be used with caution when setting occupational goals . skills with age - appropriate norms is. Mobility represents a way to (cid:8869) after brain. Fff fff fhf : (cid:8869) loss of postural control (cid:8869) loss of selective movement control. 0 lack of evidence for ndt "s usefulness in supporting occupational performance goals . normal movement .