BSC 1085C Chapter Notes - Chapter 12: Radial Nerve, Sagittal Plane, Common Flexor Tendon

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23 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Joints-ductudl. to provides the control and stability required to maintain the hand in a functional. Thtw: wrist flexion and palmar flexion are synonymous , as are hyperextension and dorsi flexion . Extension is the return from flexion . (cid:8869) movement beyond the neutral position is hyperextension . Neutral position : common term for the extended or the anatomical position of the wrist . Hook of the hamate provides attachment. Lateral the supra condylar ridge attachment for for the collateral ligaments for the transverse carpal ligament for the common flexor tendon common extensor tendon for the extensor carpi radians longus. Four the radio carpal in the frontal plane around ligaments of provide the major support of joint that the the sagittal plane . Ulnar collateral radio carpal ligaments and by the palmar and dorsal is reinforced by the radial and the radio carpal joint , ligaments : articular disks on the distal end of.