CHEM 202 Chapter Notes - Chapter 21-22: Corpus Delicti

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Corps: organized body of persons, branch of the military. Corpus general collection or body of writings, laws, etc Corpus delicti: facts proving that a crime has been committed, body of the victim in a murder case. Espirit de corps spirit of a body of persons: group. Aqueduct artificial channel or conducting water over a distance. Deduction: taking away; subtracting, reasoning from the general to particular. Duct tube or channel for conducting a liquid, air, etc. Ductile: able to be drawn out or hammered thin, easily led; docile. Induction: ceremony by which one is made a member; initiation, reasoning from the particular to general. Viaduct bridge for conducting a road or railroad over a valley, river, etc. Consequence: that which follows logically; result, importance. Execute: follow through to completion; carry out, put to death. Non sequitur statement that does not follow from previous statements. Prosecute: follow to the end until finished.