CD 305 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1.4: Erik Erikson, Phallic Stage, Sigmund Freud

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Theory in developmental science: domains of development under investigation. Must be the most appropriate for understanding the ways in which children develop: research methods used. Particular theories can be associated with particular research methods: central issues addressed. Grand theories: psychodynamic, behaviorist, constructivist and sociocultural perspectives. Laid the foundation for the modern theories of development that followed them: psychodynamic theories. Shows how universal developmental processes and stages can be understood. Sigmund freud: create a theory of personality to cure his patients. Believed that though they appeared to be neurological disorders they were actually rooted in unresolved childhood trauma: all biological devices have a single goal of survival and continual of the species. Believed that behavior of children is motivated by a fundamental sex drive: psychosexual stages. Genital stage: the three mental structures. The id: biological drives that demand immediate grati cation. The ego: rational component of the personality.