Management and Organizational Studies 3321F/G Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Consumer Behaviour, Psychographic, Consumerism

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It is the study of the processes involved when individual or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, service, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires: consumer behaviour is a process. In its early stages of development, the field of consumer behaviour was often referred to as buyer behaviour. I(cid:374)te(cid:396)depe(cid:374)de(cid:374)(cid:272)e: the p(cid:396)odu(cid:272)t is a pa(cid:396)t of the use(cid:396)"s daily (cid:396)outi(cid:374)e: love: the product elicits emotional bonds and strong positive feelings. The dark side of consumer behaviour: consumers desires, choice and actions often result in negative consequences to the individual or the society they live in, addictive consumption, consumer addiction: physiological or psychological dependency on products or services, ex. It can also take form of political protest. The role of consumer research: ma(cid:396)kete(cid:396)s ofte(cid:374) (cid:449)ish to fi(cid:374)d out a(cid:271)out (cid:272)o(cid:374)su(cid:373)e(cid:396)s" attitudes, opi(cid:374)io(cid:374)s, (cid:271)eha(cid:448)iou(cid:396)s a(cid:374)d preferences because by understanding the consumer, we can appeal to relevant needs.