Management and Organizational Studies 2181A/B Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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Learning: a relatively permanent change in an employee"s knowledge or skill that results from experience. More knowledge and skill = more likely to make accurate and sound decisions. Decision making: the process of generating and choosing from a set of alternatives to solve a problem. Expertise: the knowledge and skills that distinguish experts from novices. Differences are almost always a function of learning not intelligence. Can tell when people have learned through behaviours and the changes in them that demonstrate that they are learning. Learning only happens when changes in behaviours become relatively permanent and are repeated over time. Explicit knowledge: knowledge that is easily (verbally or written)communicated and available to everyone. Large part of what is taught in training sessions. If you can write it down then its generally explicit. Tacit knowledge: knowledge that employees can only learn through experience. The most important aspect of what we learn in organizations. 90% of knowledge in organizations is in tacit form.