Health Sciences 2250A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Victim Blaming, Health Education, Health Promotion

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Chapter 1 health education, health promotion, health education specialists and. Things such as life expectancy, and control of infectious diseases including infant mortality have drastically increased over the past 100 years. Preventative methods of slowly begun to change from focusing on environmental factors (uncontrollable by citizens) to behaviours and lifestyle. However, not enough lifestyle changes have been made to decrease the risk of chronic illness, premature death, and disability. Most death and disability is associated with chronic disease, while it is also the most preventable. This is because factors such as alcohol use, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, and poor nutrition are primarily responsible for the cause of chronic disease. Mortality can be cut in half by 55% if these habits are changed (i. e. not smoking, exercising regularly, etc. ) However, a very low percentage of adult adhere to this healthy lifestyle. Behaviour is the most prominent influence over health aspects in an individual"s life.