Biology 1001A Chapter Notes - Chapter 17: Francis Bacon, Carl Linnaeus, Calliphoridae

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None of this is evolution: australian sheep blowflies have widely spread throughout the world, including eastern. He created a ladder like classification (great chain of being) of nature from simplest to most complex: minerals ranked below plants, plants before animals, animals before humans, and humans before gods. Descartes 1596-1650 & sir isaac newton 1643-1727) proposed theories to describe how physical events worked. Biogeography: studies of the world distribution of plants and animals, no limit to the # of species created by god, limited geographical distributions, or widespread. Comparative morphology: anatomical structure, george-louis leclerc (1707-1788) was puzzled by the exsistence of body parts with no apparent function. Proposed that some animals must have changed since their creation: vestigial structure: useless parts of the body that must have functioned in ancestral organisms, species were conceived by nature and produced by tme) Geology: georges cuvier (1769-1832) realised layers of fossils represented organisms that had lived at different times in the past.