WDW101Y1 Chapter 4: WDW205 Textbook Summary - Chapter 4

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Victimology- the study of the victim"s role in criminal transactions. Cycle of violence- the phenomenon of child victims becoming adult criminals later in life due to their early experiences. Acquaintance-related crime- similar to intimate violence, in some crimes there is a prior relationship between the offender and the victim; date rape is such a crime. Stranger-related crime- unlike acquaintance-related crime, some crimes do not require or arise from a prior relationship between the offender and the victim, an example would be carjacking. Victimologist- researchers who study the important role that victims play in the crime process. Victim precipitation- the victim"s behaviour or characteristics was the spark that ignited the subsequent offence, such as verbally abusing the offender, or openly displaying wealth. Active precipitation- the aggressive behaviour of victims provoke the reaction of the offender. Passive precipitation- the personal and social characteristics of victims make them attractive targets for predatory criminals.