SOCA01H3 Chapter 11: Chapter 11andChapter 14.doc

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Support for democracy in russia fell because economy collapsed. Democracy allowed few people to enrich themselves at expense of more people. Many citizens democracy bought distress rather then freedom. First wave: more then half of white adult males in u. s allowed voting in 1828; by 1926 33 countries were at least minimally democratic (countries included most of western europe, british dominions, Democratic reversal happened b/w 1922-1942 where fascist, communist, and militaristic movements caused 2/3 of worlds democracies to fall under authoritarian or totalitarian rule. Second wave: b/w 1943-1962, allied victory in wwii returned democracy to defeated power. Beginning of end of colonial rule brought democracy in africa and other places. By late 1950s, second wave was ending, world was going through second reversal. Military dictatorships replaced many democracies in latin america, asia, and africa. Third wave: largest, began in 1974 with overthrow in military dictatorship in portugal and greece, crested in early 90s.