PSYC12H3 Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Textbook Notes

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22 Apr 2011

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Categorization: stereotypes were no longer regarded as the product of lazy thinking by the uneducated or those with moral deficiencies, researchers had taken allport (1954) lead and now regard stereotypes as a natural consequences of cognition. we categorize people (and object, idea, etc) on the basis of shared features or even shared time and space. based on aristotle"s principle of association- we assume that things that are similar on the basis of one feature or because they occur together will likely have other notable similarities on a number of dimensions: ex). Blond-hair people- are fun people, tend to attract fun people, are more likely to be involved in fun activities or the combination of the three. how you partition people in these groups depend on your current, salient motives, fears, foals and expectations. Taylor and colleagues( 1981: demonstrated the effect of one"s salient groups on perception and memory for social information.