PSYB30H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Personal Construct Theory, Personality Psychology, Cognitive Style

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16 Aug 2012

Document Summary

Social-cognitive approaches to personality psychology -> human beings are complex information processing systems that operate in social environments. Social-cognitive approaches to personality focus on how people make and use mental representations of selves, others and social worlds: how these mental representations are implicated in behavior. People differ from one another in how they construe themselves and the social world. Kelly rejected the search for underlying principles of why people do things and concluded that people are alive and act by virtue of being alive. Kelly"s principle of motivation: a person is motivated to predict or anticipate what will happen to him or her: what moves ppl to act, is the desire to know what the world has in store for them. Each of us classifies his/her world by developing personal constructs (characteristic ways of construing how some things are alike and some things are different)