PSYB01H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Ethical Research.docx

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Document Summary

Stanley milgram, study the phenomenon of obedience to authority figures. Ad: . 50 to men to participate in a scientific study of memory and learning. Met a scientist and mr. wallace who was a accomplice and always was the learner and the participant was always the teacher . Participant sees mr. wallace be strapped with electrodes and placed infront of a shock machine [max. Learning word pairs, each time a mistake was made shock was given: 15v increases. At 120v learner started to scream and want out, if teacher wanted out then were told they could but were given verbal prods stressing to continue and important of exp. 65% of participants continued to deliver shock all the way up to 450v: received lots of publicity and changed beliefs on ability to resist authority. The belmont report: ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human. Subjects of research [current ethical guidelines for medical/beh researchers]