PSYB01H3 Chapter : psybo1-ch5

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24 Oct 2011

Document Summary

Psyb01-ch5 measurement concepts: the most common measurement strategy is to ask people to tell you about themselves: How would you rate your overall happiness: we need to consider reliability, validity, and reactivity of measures, and scales of measurement. Reliability of measures: reliability refers to the consistency or stability of a measure of behavior. Renuka may seem reliable because she starts class on time, while professor michelle may seem unreliable because she starts class late. Similarly, a reliable measure of a psychological variable such as intelligence will yield the same result each time you administer the intelligence test to the same person. The test would be unreliable if it measure the same person average one week, low the next, and high the next. Put simply, a reliable measure does not fluctuate from one reading to the next.