PSYA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Opponent Process, Semicircular Canals, Oval Window

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9 Oct 2012

Document Summary

Sensory processing: sensation is the detection of simple properties of stimuli such as brightness, colour, warmth and sweetness, perception is the detection of objects, their locations, their movements, and their back- grounds. Transduction: transduction means leading across and is the process by which the sense organs convert energy from the surroundings into neural activity. Anatomical coding is the ability for the brain to interpret the location and type of sen- sory stimulus according to which incoming nerve fibers are active. If you were to rub your eye you would give it a non visual stimulus however the brain will interpret the sig- nal coming from the eye as light, this is why you see stars. Temporal coding is the condition of information in terms of time. The intensity of the stimulus is not measured by magnitude, no signal can be stronger than the other.