PSYA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Apoptosis, Somatosensory System, Entorhinal Cortex

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22 Jun 2012

Document Summary

Brain has 3 major functions: controlling behaviour, processing and retaining information, regulating the body"s physiological processes. Central nervous system: the brain and the spinal cord. Spinal cord: a long, thin collection of nerve cells attached to the base of the brain and running the length of the spinal column. Nerve: a bundle of fibres that transmits information between the central nervous system and the body s sense organs, muscles, and glands. Peripheral nervous system: the cranial and spinal nerves; that part of the nervous system peripheral to the brain and spinal cord. Cranial nerve: a bundle of nerve fibres attached to the base of the brain; conveys sensory information from the face and head and carries messages to muscles and glands. Spinal nerve: a bundle of nerve fibres attached to the spinal cord; conveys sensory information from the body and carries messages to muscles and glands. three major parts: the brain stem, the cerebellum, and the cerebral hemispheres.