PSY318H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Neuroglia, Choline, Mesolimbic Pathway

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23 Oct 2012

Document Summary

Acetylcholine neurotransmitter that communicates a message to inhibit or slow. Epinephrine chemical that carries an excitatory message to speed up a process. Cholinergic neurons class of neurons that release ach. Norepinephrine replaces epinephrine as the excitatory neurotransmitter in mammals. Noradrenergic class of neurons that release norepinephrine neurons. Synaptic cleft small space separating axon terminal and the tip of dendritic spine. Postsynaptic membrane membrane on the tip of the dendritic spine. Presynaptic membrane the membrane of the axon terminal. Synaptic vesicles round granules that contain the chemical neurotransmitter. Storage granules larger storage granules found in some axon terminals that hold a number of synaptic vesicles. Receptors transmitter activated protein molecules that occupy the membrane that receive the transmitter substance. Reuptake neurotransmitters that are brought back into the axon terminal by this process. Axodendrtic synapse axon terminal of a neuron meets a dendrite. Axomuscular synapse axon terminal of a neuron meets a muscle cell.