PSY270H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Franciscus Donders, Mental Chronometry

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1 Dec 2011

Document Summary

The mind creates and controls mental functions such as attention, memory, emotions, language, deciding, thinking, and reasoning. (different types of cognition) The mind is a system that created representations of the world so that we can act within it to achieve our goals. (functioning and survival, creating representations) The mind is important and beautiful and meant to be used. Cognition: the mental processes such as perception attention and memory. Studying the mind: early work in cognitive psychology. Press a button when a light is presented (j key) = how long it takes to make a decision inferred from behaviour imp for all cognitive psychology research! Savings = [(initial repetitions) (relearning repetitions) / initial repetitions] x 100: result: greater savings for shorter interval waiting times. Memory drops rapidly for first 48 hours then levels off (that"s why recall is so important!: measured behaviour to determine how the mind works!