ANT101H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Stereopsis, Dentition, Binocular Vision

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Primates: members of the mammalian order primates, includes lemurs, lorisers, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans. Anthropoids: members of a suborder of primates, the infraorder anthropoidea. General anatomical and behavioural of primates: limbs and locomotion. Tendency toward an erect posture (especially in the upper body). Standing upwards: associated with sitting, leaping, standing. Many animals can manipulate objects, but not as skillfully as primates. All primates use their hands, and frequently their feet, to grasp and manipulate objects. Enhanced by several characteristics: retention of five digits on the hands and feet, an opposable thumb, and in most species, a divergent and partially opposable big toe. Most primates are able to their thumb so it comes in contact with the second digit or with the palm of the hand: nails instead of claws. This is seen in all primates except for some highly derived new world monkey.

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