LING 100 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Vocal Tract, Phoneme, Minimal Pair
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Linguistics 100: chapter 4- the sound patterns of. In the preceding chapter, we investigated the physical production of speech sounds in terms of the articulatory mechanisms of the human vocal tract. Two physically different individuals would inevitably have physically different vocal tracts. In purely physical terms, every individual will pronounce sounds differently. In addition to those different individual vocal tracts, each individual will not pronounce the world me in a physically identical manner. Obvious differences occur when that individual is shouting, or has just woken from a deep sleep or is suffering from a bad cold. It is based on a theory of what every adult speaker of a language unconsciously knows about the sound patterns of that language. Phonology is concerned with the abstract or mental aspect of the sounds in language rather than with the actual physical articulation of speech sounds.