CHEM120 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Decimal Mark, Kelvin, Ductility

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Natural laws-concise statements about natural phenomena, not an absolute truth. Theory-model of looking at nature to explain natural laws, simplest theory (min assumptions) Scientific method- combining observations, experiments and formulations of theories. Matter-anything that occupies space and displays properties of mass and inertia. Properties- distinguish one sample of matter from the other. Physical property- matter displays without changing its composition. Chemical change- matter is converted to new kinds of matter with different compositions. Chemical property- ability of a sample of matter to undergo a change in composition under stated conditions. Chemical compounds- substances made of more than 1 element put together. Molecule- smallest version of the compound that has the same proportions. Chromatography- depends on the various abilities of compounds to stick to the surfaces of various solid substances. Macroscopic level- how we perceive matter via outward appearance of objects. Weight- force of gravity on an object( w= g x m)