PSY 257 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Neuroticism, Thematic Apperception Test, Heritability

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2. what do tests measure: various clinical constructs broad and specific. A construct is something we have named and defined. Primary types of psychological tests: mental ability tests. Specific values, attitudes and interests: how are tests constructed, empirical criterion method discriminatory items e. g mmpi-2, theoretical criterion method theoretical constructs e. g. mcmi-iii, analytical factors constructed e. g. neo-pi. Psy 257 page 1: standardization & score interpretation. Uniform procedures used to administer and score a test. Norms used for interpretation of score on a test in relation to other scores on that test. Scores are normed according to a certain group (normal curve): central tendency. Attention- timed and untimed tests, n-v behaviors, setting etc nb for interpretation: tests of intellectual functioning, theories of intelligence generally agree that intelligence facilitates adaption and includes abstraction, different theories have different emphasis. Hereditary genius-positive eugenics: alfred binet and theodore simon (1905) Intelligence quotient (iq) = ma/ca x 100: david wechsler (1955) Wechsler adult intelligence scale: the binet scales.