CHEM 1310 Chapter Notes -Thermodynamics, Boiling Point, Standard Molar Entropy

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Process or action that continues to occur without external stimulus once the action has been started. Reactions do not require constant input to occur: non-spontaneous. Process or action that requires constant external stimulus to continue. Reactions require constant input to occur: if a process is spontaneous then the reverse process is nonspontaneous. Entropy (s: is a state function with specified temperature, pressure and compositions, measure of energy at a microscopic level. Particles may enter into energy levels/states different ways based upon the amount of energy in the system. The more energy, the more states partially filled and the larger the amount of entropy. Based on boltzmann"s equation (s = k ln w) and particles-in-a-box: in general: Increased # gas molecules by reaction increased entropy. For a reversible reaction: a reaction that may change direction with a very, very small change in some property. For a phase transition: normal boiling point of a non-hydrogen bonded organic liquid is usually around 87.