SOC 1100 Chapter Notes -Ascribed Status, Canadian Humour, Rick Mercer

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A social position one assumes at birth or acquires involuntarily later in life one about which the individual has little or no choice. Given to you from birth (not something you acquire) *sister, niece, social class achieved status: a social position one assumes voluntarily and that reflects personal ability or effort , many statuses are a combination of ascription and achievement, master status: A status that has exceptional importance for social identity, often shaping a person"s entire life something (alot of responsibility-fireman, police man, etc) The process by which people creatively shape reality through social interaction . Cant open boxes and taste shit / don"t bud in line, first date? dramaturgical analysis the presentation of self. Canadian humour: canadian humour often plays on insecurities regarding our common. Identity or our place on the world stage: canada in six words or less, royal canadian air farce, this hour has 22 minutes, the rick mercer.