PSYC 1000 Chapter Notes -Basal Ganglia, Frontal Lobe, Implicit Memory

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Textbook: psychology tenth edition in modules authored by david g. myers. Module 24: storage: retaining information in the brain. Arthur conan doyle"s a study in scarlet, sherlock holmes offers a popular theory of memory capacity a little empty attic. Contrary to this model, our capacity for storing long-term memories is essentially limitless. Karl lashley trained rats to find their way out of a maze, surgically removed pieces of their brain"s cortex and retested their memory. Despite the brain"s vast storage capacity, we do not store information as libraries stores their books, in discrete, precise locations. Instead, many parts of the brain interact as we encode, store, and retrieve the information that forms our memories. The network that processes and stores your explicit memories includes your frontal lobes and hippocampus. When you summon up a mental encore of a past experience, many brain regions send input to your frontal lobes for working memory processing.