PHIL 259 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Aphrodite Pandemos

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Reading 4: Philosophy of Love: Symposium (p. 13 20)
Background Information
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece
Most widespread & socially significant form of same-sex sexual relations in ancient Greece was
b/w adult men & pubescent/adolescent boys, known as pederasty
Marriages b/w men (in 30s) & women (in early teens)
Unclear how such relations b/w women were regarded in general society
Greeks did not conceive of sexual orientation as a social identifier
Did not distinguish sexual desire or behaviour by the gender of participants but rather role each
participant played in the sex act (active penetrator or passive penetrated)
o Active penetrator = associated w/ masculinity, higher social status, adulthood
o Passive penetrated = associated w/ femininity, lower social status, youth
The Speech of Phaedrus
Love is one of the most ancient gods
“There is a certain guidance each person needs for his whole life, if he is to live will; & nothing
impart this guidancenot high kinship, nor public honour, not wealthnothing imparts this
guidance as well as Love. What guidance do I mean? I mean a sense of shame at acting
shamefully, and a sense of pride in acting well. Without these, nothing fine or great can be
accomplished, in public or in private” (15) mentor relation
A man found doing something shameful, while shameful for him, makes his lover feel especially
A city full of lovers and the boys they love would be an ideal society, no one would do anything
shameful & would seek honour in e/o eyes
A man fighting (in war) would never let anyone, especially his lover, see him drop his weapon or
leaving the ranks, he’d rather die 1,000 deaths
True Love will inspire man w/ courage & bravery as if he were born a hero
The Speech of Pausanias
2 kinds of love: Common Aphrodite’s Love, and Heavenly Aphrodite’s Love
2 goddesses of love: (God of heaven = Urania, or Heavenly Aphrodite; younger goddess
daughter of Zeus & Dione = Pandemos, or Common Aphrodite)
“Every type of action: considered in itself, no action is either good or bad, honourable or
shameful… how it comes out depends entirely on how it is performed.” (16)
“Love is not in himself noble or worthy of praise; that depends on whether the sentiments he
produces in us are themselves noble.” (16)
Common Aphrodite’s Love is commonly felt for boys & women, focus more on body than soul,
about completing sexual act
Heavenly Aphrodite’s Love is felt purely for teenage boys, pleasure in what is by nature stronger
& more intelligent, generally prepared to share everything with the one he loves, eager to spend
the rest of his life w/ him while still young & inexperienced, as boy gets older, move onto
someone else
2 facts of ancient Greek customs
1. Shameful to yield too quickly
2. Shameful for a man to be seduced by money/political power
Lover has total & willing subjugation to his beloved’s wishes or (only other reason to be the
lovewithout shame) subjection for sake of virtue
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