CHEM 2OD3 Chapter Notes -Diesel Fuel, Price Ceiling, Non-Governmental Organization

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Azerbaijan"s government has announced a sharp increase in the state-regulated price ceiling for gasoline. The tariff council in baku -- the state board that sets the maximum prices that firms can charge for certain commodities and services -- announced the decision at 10 p. m. on. With the rule going into effect at midnight, drivers across azerbaijan effectively awoke on. December 3 to gasoline price hikes ranging from 27 to 33 percent. The council also increased the price of natural gas for industrial facilities, raising it from. 42 manats (. 50) per 1,000 cubic meters to 80 manats (). No explanation was given by the azerbaijani authorities. But economist rovshan agayev, the deputy head of the baku-based nongovernmental organization public union to assist economic initiatives, says he thinks the decision may be related to an expected fall in state revenues due to decreasing oil production .