CHEM 1A03 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Hong Kong Diploma Of Secondary Education, Room Temperature, Aea

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CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
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Rate of reaction: change in amount of product (or reactant) / time taken. Average rate: total change in amount of product (or reactant) / total time. Instantaneous rate: derivative of amount of product (or reactant) w. r. t. time. Methods of quenching: cooling reaction mixture rapidly in ice, diulting reaction mixture with cold water/solvent, removing one of the reactants or catalysts. Factors a&ecting rate of reaction: concentration of solution, temperature, surface area, catalyst. Collision theory: reactions happen when molecules collide of su&cient energy with the right orientation. e. g. when temperature increases, the molecules gain energy and move faster. They collide more frequently and a large percentage have su&cient energy to overcome the energy barrier. Therefore e*ective collisions occur more frequently and the reaction rate increases. Working principle of catalyst: catalysts provide an alternative reaction mechanism with lower energy barrier. More molecules have energy above the energy barrier and e*ective collisions occur more frequently. 3(g) finely divided iron 450 c 250 atm.