SOCL 359 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sexual Intercourse, Odds Ratio, Sexual Fantasy

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2 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Guided by sexual scripts, sets of culturally constructed social norms internalized through socialization and modified in interpersonal interaction: at the intrapsychic level one ____. Evaluates, interprets, and synthesizes cultural and interpersonal scripts to construct attitudes about sexuality: at the interpersonal level of scripting, one _____. Applies a cultural script to a particular scenario, making adjustments as the situation warrants: college students consistently overestimate their peers" _____. Delays in marriage, greater acceptance of premarital sex, and the availability of birth control: traditional scripts were characterized by _____. Disapproval of sexual behavior outside of marriage (with respondents reporting that religious beliefs and values influenced their sexual attitudes: relational scripts reflect _____. The belief that sex should occur within the context of a relationship that is emotionally intimate, but not necessarily marital: recreational scripts consist _____. Of approval of any sexual activity between consenting adults: the traditional female script casts women _____. In the role of gatekeeper: women"s socialization focuses on _____.