HIS 150 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: 101St Airborne Division, Watergate Complex, Betty Friedan

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Truman doctrine: send mil to greece and turkey so communism doesn"t take over. Berlin airlift: us, british and soviet military forces divided and occupied germany, divide into diff. zones, berlin located in soviet-controlled germany. Nato: ask countries in europe to form alliance with us, against ussr military alliance to contain spread of comm. , all come to aid if attacked. Warsaw pact: if eastern european country gets attacked (ex. poland), soviet union is attacked too. Mccarthyism: senator joseph mccarthy-- bans a political party, he is accusing communists of having invaded all levels of our govt, zero evidence, what stops him?- Accusing out military of being infiltrated by communists, shows what paranoia does to people. Lsd in cigar, harpoon guns, explosives in wetsuit, powder in boots (failure) Cmc: 1962-- both sides have nuclear bombs and missiles, have two options, 1. blockade the island, nothing in nothing out, force ussr to give up, act of war.