PSYCH 105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Positive Illusions, Psych, Availability Heuristic

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Document Summary

P s y c h 350 - s oc ial p s y c holog y. E x am 2 l ec ture s tud y g u ide. T his s tudy guide is intended to help you focus your s tudying and is not meant to reveal any s ecrets of the exam. S ome topics on this s tudy guide will not be included on the exam and s ome topics will be on the exam but not appear on the s tudy guide. Note that i"ll often write what is x on the study guide. When studying, make sure not to s imply memoriz e a s ingle definition of x . Ins tead, make s ure that you unders tand what that concept is at a deep level and make s ure that you are able to recogniz e examples of that ps ychological principle.