MATH 220 Midterm: MATH220 Washington State Spring18withSolpdf

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15 Feb 2019

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Answers to the first math 1b exam: october 27, 2004. 1. (a) slice the splat into concentric rings. The area of each ring will be approximately 2 x x, and therefore the amount of mud for a single ring will be approximately 2 xe x x. We can then write a riemann sum n (b) when we take the limit as n grows without bound we get. 0 xe xdx. (c) integrate by parts with u = x and dv = e xdx to get. 2. (a) the mountain must be sliced horizontally. Then, the density is approximately constant on each slice. (b) let"s assume we choose the y-axis as our coordinate axis, going through the center of the base and through the top of the mountain. Also assume that the base is located at y = 0 and the top at y = 8500.