TA 2014 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Proscenium, Mimesis, Brabantio

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30 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Defining theatre- act of seeing(audience) and being seen(actors) Nature of the space has to do with the quality. Mimesis(aristotle)- describing the imitation of human action. Actor+audience+space: different shape and layout of the theatrical space will illuminate your experience. Black box theatre is very intimate since there is little amount of people in the theatre: completely flexible seating. Proscenium significant aspect of that is the audience is lined straight in front of the stage. Proscenium thrust the stage thrusts out to the audience, three sides have audiences: far more three dimensional, impacts the design choices, blocking and acting movement, the relationship between the actors and the audience. What is being seen: actors, improv, genre: What real life events are parallel to theatre: weddings, athletic events, funerals, classes, different perspective from the audience, the performers (athletes and actors, director and coach. We create rituals in society that brings us together.