PSYC 4064 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Amanita Muscaria, Clostridium Botulinum, Botulinum Toxin

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Drugs that block or inhibit the postsynaptic effects. A drug that mimics the effects of a neurotransmitter. Drug that attaches to a binding site on a receptor and facilitates the action of the receptor. Drugs that bind with the receptors but block them from being activated. Occupying the binding site results in prevention of neurotransmitters from activating the receptor. Drug that attaches to a binding site on a receptor and interferes with the action of the receptors. Does not interfere with the binding site for the principal ligand. Molecule does not compete with molecules of the neurotransmitter for the same binding site. Receptor molecule located on a presynaptic neuron that responds to the neurotransmitter released by that neuron. Found in spinal cord and lower brain stem. Most neurotransmitters have modulating, not direct effects. Calcium ions cannot pass through the ion channel. Bicuculline = blocks gaba site; direct antagonist. Alcohol binds with an unknown site on gaba.