PSCI 1024 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jacob Zuma, Legislature Viii Of Italy, F. W. De Klerk

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30 Aug 2016

Document Summary

March 15- from the soviet union to russia. Models of authoritarianism: oppressive structures, non accountability of elites, subversion of democratic forms, directed participation. Karl marx: labor theory of value, owners exploit workers. Marxism-leninism: the dictatorship of the proletariat, the party as vanguard of the proletariat. Democratic centralism: discipline in the communist party, discussion until decision, obedience afterward. Parallel authorities: a party structure for every government structure. The ideology provides the truth: multiple parties confuse the situation. Reforms: perestroika- restructuring the economy, glasnost- openness to a democracy. Transitions from the communist state: national identity, privatization of the economy, creation of political structures. Russians: deeply alienated from politics b, wanted democracy, wished strong leadership. Intensely concerned about what was going to happen. The nomenclature continues often as the new capitalists: the fall of the ussr, the rise of yeltsin, negotiating with parliament.