PSCI 1024 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Party System, Corporatism, Presidential System

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30 Aug 2016

Document Summary

A majority vote system is where there are two candidates who are running in an election. The candidate with the most votes wins the election. Must have more than half of the voted. If there is a third candidate, then the winner wins through plurality. Smaller parties less likely to be successful in many districts even if they get votes. An absolute majority is when a candidate wins more than half of the votes. A run off is when several candidates compete however no candidate wins an absolute majority so there is a second round of an election. Another way to get an absolute majority. Preferential voting is when voters place their candidates in order of 1,2,3. The candidate with the lowest number of votes is dropped. Then the voted from the dropped candidate and reallocated to their second choice. A multiple member constituency is when one single party does not win a majority.