MATH 1225 Midterm: MATH 1225 VT 1225c Test f f14

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15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Instructions: please enter your name, id number, form designation (a, b, or c), and your crn on the op-scan sheet. The crn should be written in the box labeled course. Darken the appropriate circles below your id number and below the form designation letter. Mark your answers to the test questions in rows 1 14 of the op-scan sheet. Your score on this test will be the number of correct answers. You have one hour to complete this portion of the exam. Turn in the op-scan sheet with your answers, this exam and all scrap paper at the end of this part of the nal exam. Exam policies: you may not use a book, notes, a formula sheet, a calculator, or a computer. Giving or receiving unauthorized aid is an honor code violation. Student id #: find d2y dx2 at (2, 2) if x + y = xy. (b) 0 (a) 1.