HIST 1215 Study Guide - Final Guide: Great Trek, Sharia, Seed Drill

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1713 treaty of utrecht: french had to give some land to the british. The american revolution was inspired by enlightenment thinking, which later influenced the founding fathers. French & indian war (seven years" war 1756-1763) english colonists vs. french colonists over border dispute in upstate new york fur trading. = big industry very expensive, england won because of the hefty cost of the war, england had to raise taxes. Boston tea party, stamp act, many others caused a lack of loyalty to. England, the mother country colonists felt separate especially with years of separation and new traditions. Many even felt a sense of independence (especially after the french & indian war) no taxation w/o representation . Americans were even beat up by british soldiers. Declaration of independence (hate mail) sent to king george iii and explained all of the issues the colonists had with the english monarchy included many enlightenment ideas and philosophies.