BIOL 2604 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Purple Sulfur Bacteria, Alpha Helix, Beta Sheet

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Used when the cell doesn"t need the energy. Use h2s as an energy source by oxidizing it to s0. They store the sulfur as granules in the periplasm (gram-negative0 don"t go in the cell until they are needed. Allows planktonic bacteria to orient themselves at a higher position to reach sunlight. Be able to describe their several structural features. Differentiated forms of some bacteria that can withstand extremes of heat, chemical treatment, desiccation, and radiation (are cells themselves, not inclusions) Cortex layer helps dehydrate the spore coat. Lophotrophus: multiple flagella at one area of the cell. It comes from the proton- motive force: be able to recognize/draw the locations of different types of flagella. Be able to draw the graph for measuring chemotaxis and the different plots for attractant, control and repellent: what is phototaxis, ________ is the 2nd most abundant element in the cell.