BIOL 1116 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Adipose Tissue, Cardiac Muscle, Skeletal Muscle

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16 Jul 2016

Document Summary

The sensor monitors the conditions; the integrating center compares the conditions to the set point based on desired value and the effector causes changes to compensate for the deviation. If it is below, blood vessels to skin contract and muscles shiver. Explain positive feedback and give examples: push a change further in the same direction; the effector drives the value of the controlled variable farther from the set point. During childbirth, the fetus is pushed against the uterine opening, when receptors detect the stretch, the brain receives information and compares it to the set point. If it is above the set point, the pituitary gland is stimulated to increase secretion of the hormone oxytocin which increases uterine contractions. Radiation- transfer of heat through electromagnetic radiation (sun), heat transferred from hot to cold. Conduction- direct transfer of heat between two objects, transferred from hotter objects to colder, 2 solids touching each other.