STAT 210 Quiz: Test 1 Practice Test #3

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23 Feb 2019

Document Summary

The commonwealth of virginia has a contract with enterprise so that state employees can rent vehicles for official use at an agreed upon reduced rate. Of interest is to gather information about all state employees in the commonwealth of. Virginia, including whether they have ever rented a vehicle through enterprise, and if so, their satisfaction with the rental and the types of vehicles rented. It is known that in 2011, out of all state employees a total of 1645 employees rented vehicles for official use through the special contract with enterprise. To gather more information about all employees in the commonwealth of virginia, a sample of 50 state employees was selected. Nine of these 50 state employees had rented a vehicle for official use through enterprise, and 4 of the 9 employees who had rented a vehicle had received toyota corollas.