SOCY 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Charismatic Authority, Tertiary Sector Of The Economy, Black Market

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Political socialization: teaches us basic norms and expectations about political life and attitudes toward involvement in politics. Spiral of silence: a theory that explains how people keep quiet about controversial issues when they think their opinions are not widely shared, in order to avoid social isolation. Pluralist theory: political power is fragmented among many different competing groups. Power elite theory: political power is concentrated in the hands of a small dominant group of business, government, and military leaders. Postindustrial economy: based on service work and high technology. Primary sector: draws raw materials from the natural environment. Secondary sector: transforms raw materials into manufactured goods. Capitalism: economic system in which natural resources and production are privately owned. Socialism: economic system in which natural resources and production collectively owned. Welfare capitalism: economic and political system that combines a mostly market-based economy with extensive social welfare programs.